For some, summer presents more than ice cream, blue skies and no school. Sneakers, swimsuits, sunscreen, air conditioning, access to the pool— The generosity of our supporters ensure that everyone gets to breath cool, clean air, enjoy a healthful diet and taste Jersey Fresh produce, take a swim, and explore nature with friends.

Will you support a family this summer?

GRACE provides food, essentials and connections to stabilizing supports, so that neighbors and families can afford what they need this summer. Beyond that GRACE makes connections happen.

Consider a Recurring Donation to sponsor a family:

$14 sponsors a GRACE family for a week

$60 sponsors a GRACE family for a month

$175 sponsors a GRACE family for a season

$700 sponsors a GRACE family for a year

Everyone in the Pool!

For those familiar, we can all agree the Summit Family Aquatic Center is one of our greatest community resources. Family membership for the season falls outside many household’s budget. This shuts kids and their grown ups out of active fun with their community. Thanks to the Department of Community Programs and our Youth Advisory Council, there will be a night this year where every Summit resident can make a splash, join in the fun, and swim with friends and neighbors.

#everyonedeservessummer #HAPPYhealthysecure

Summer Camp -

A mother came to GRACE in the midst of a life storm that lead to losing her home again for the summer. Her biggest barrier is finding reliable summer care and a place for her 12-year-old daughter to enjoy the summer despite her family’s hardships. Just last week GRACE enabled our community connections and resources to sponsor six weeks of sleep away summer camp for her daughter. Now mom can focus on securing a better-paying job, finding a new family home, and getting her feet back on the ground so her daughter will have a safe place to return to before school starts up again.

#everyonedeservessummer #preventinghomelessness #empatheticsystem #changinglifespath #happyhealthySECURE

A Breath of Fresh Air -

Last summer during the forest fire smoke emergency, a senior developed lung issues from the air quality in her apartment, the heat and smoke worsened her condition. Thanks to connections from our GRACE community, an air conditioner with backup filters arrived at her home within 24 hours of reaching out to GRACE. Thanks to the neighbor who was ready and able to help. Our friend was able to breathe easily and live comfortably for the summer.

#everyonedeservessummer #happyHEALTHYsecure #justbreathe

School Snacks -

We are lucky our Summit schools offer wrap around enrichment programs for their students. Last year they noticed increased food insecurity among their participants and asked for GRACE’s support. We heeded the call and delivered.

This summer, as soon as school closed for the school year we delivered kid-friendly snacks, fresh fruit, and drinks to keep the young summer scholars fueled, focused, and energized for the summer and its fun.

#everyonedeservessummer #happyHEALTHYsecure #foodinsecurity

Our community is rich in resources. There is room for everyone to get what they need. Economic disparity is at its highest contrast during the summer season in our Summit community. On one side, more of our GRACE people are working and earning money. There are more opportunities open for seasonal employment, with many active building projects, landscaping jobs, child care positions, summer camp staffing, and hostess work available. On the other side, there are more needs because school is out and children need supervision, opportunities to stay active, and access to healthy food. There are no school lunches provided during vacations, and changing schedules and transportation needs put more strain on the family unit. GRACE enables the connections to ensure everyone in our community is happy, healthy and secure.

It costs $8,000 each week to support the current 600+ households that GRACE serves. Every donation makes a difference and provides continued access to reliable support that sustains and stabilizes families in need.