Make a Difference in the Communities Your Corporation Serves
GRACE works hand-in-hand to create comprehensive and highly successful employee engagement programs.
Why Companies Volunteer
The time and resources that companies offer are critical to meeting the pressing needs of our community. Corporate volunteering is not just a one-way street. Studies have shown that volunteering has measurable value beyond the satisfaction of making a difference.
· Working together to tackle community issues in new and unique settings tests employees’ adaptability and problem-solving abilities.
· Volunteering helps to develop leadership skills.
· Companies can use volunteering as a professional development tool.
· Volunteering promotes trust and camaraderie by building a sense of community among employees as they work toward a common goal.
· Employees involved in company cause programs are more likely to be proud of their company’s values and tend to feel a strong sense of loyalty.
· Today’s top young talent considers corporate volunteer programs a significant priority when evaluating potential jobs.
Customized Employee Engagement
Work with GRACE to develop, plan and implement a service program tailored to the needs and priorities of your company. Volunteer opportunities can occur once or multiple times a year. They can be small or large scale and can target any of our program areas.
Year-Round Volunteering
Empower your employees to volunteer on their own time at GRACE by hosting orientations at your office.
Contact us to learn more about corporate volunteering and sponsorship opportunities.
Stay engaged, share your stories and photos with friends at GRACE, and make a bigger impact!
GRACE Community Partners
Bake Bakery
The Barberry Foundation
Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Bristol Myers Squibb
Brownie Points Bakery
Calvary Episcopal Church
Central Farmers Market
Central Presbyterian Church
Christ Church
Community Foodbank of New Jersey
The Connection
Food Connect
The George W. Bauer Family Foundation
GIFT Table at the Summit Farmer’s Market
GRACE Youth Advisory Council
Hyde & Watson Foundation
I Support The Girls
J. McLaughlin
Junior League of Summit
Kent Place School
Knights of Columbus
Lena Willis Fund
Literacy NJ
Lions Club of Summit
Little Words Project
Liv Breads
Loaves & Fishes
Madison Bagel
Moms Helping Moms
Natale’s Bakery
Oak Knoll
Overlook Dental
Overlook Family Medicine
Overlook Medical Center
Partnership for Maternal & Child Health
Peck School
Presbyterian Church of New Providence
Race Farm
Reeves Reed Arboretum
Saint John’s Lutheran Church
Soiree NJ
Springhouse Dairy
Stop & Shop
Summit Achieve Garden
Summit Area YMCA
Summit Community Programs
Summit Elks
The Summit Foundation
Summit Free Public Library
Summit Girl Scouts
Summit Health Cares
Summit House
Summit Luminary Fund
Summit Public Schools
Summit Serves
Temple Sinai
Union County Human Services
United Way of Greater Union County
UPS Store Summit
Vacchiano Farm
Visual Arts Center NJ
Westfield Health Department
Whole Foods